Using an Image as the Sidebar Title

lundi 11 août 2008 0 commentaires

I love the effect of that an image gives as the sidebar title. It is such a simple thing to do. First things first. You will need a suitable image

that you can change the font on. My suggestion would be to make one using GIMP. This may help: Tutorial: custom header for Blogger using GIMP. Save your original (fontless) image as a template for changes you may make down the line to your sidebar. Look. I made one for Links!

OK. We have an image or two ready to go. My title image is for links, so I will show you how to do a widget for links. Open your Dashboard | Layout | Page Elements | Add a page element | HTML/Javascript. Add the following code to the window:


You can add as many links as you want by opening (edit) the widget and adding this code:
for each new link. It certainly is a fun way to dress up your sidebar and coordinate it with other design elements in your blog.